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Titre Portugais du Brésil et langues africaines
Auteur E. Bonvini, M. M. Taddoni Petter
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 130, juin 1998 L'hyperlangue brésilliène, sous la direction de Sylvain Auroux, Eni Puccinelli Orlandi et Francine Mazière
Page 68-83
Résumé anglais This article is devoted to the position of the relationship between African languages and the Portuguese language of Brazil. In the year 1930, two types of analyses were proposed: for the first one, African languages influenced Brazilian language; for the second, the Brazilian language was creolized by its contact with African languages. Now, research in this field is being reorganized: linguistic structures and social organization are being studied together, from the sociolinguistic and ideological points of view. We study here the languages spoken in Brazil by African slaves, African multilinguism, the specific status of certains languages and the complex relationship between Portugal, Brazil, and specific African countries such as Angola and Nigeria.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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