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Titre Langue et nationalité au Brésil. Années 1930 et 1940
Auteur M. Onice Payer, L. F. Dias
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 130, juin 1998 L'hyperlangue brésilliène, sous la direction de Sylvain Auroux, Eni Puccinelli Orlandi et Francine Mazière
Page 112-124
Résumé anglais In this article we consider two linguistic facts which occured in Brazil during the years 1930-1940: first, the project of the Parliament to change the name of the language spoken in Brazil from Portuguese language to Brazilian language; second, the campaigns for nationalizing the educational system, intended for the large wave of European immigrante. Those campaigns aimed at teaching immigrants Brazil's national language and at officially discouraging them from talking or writing their own languages. From these two facts, one can see how citizenship and Brazilianity are related to the general questions of language and nationality. At the root of those juridical measures there is a discursive formulation of national unity and linguistic homogeneity, related to the heterogeneity of Brazilian society.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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