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Titre Contraintes conceptuelles sur la distribution : réflexions sur la notion de classe d'objets
Auteur M. Prandi
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 131, septembre 1998 Les classes d'objets, sous la direction de Denis Le Pesant et Michel Mathieu-Colas
Page 34-44
Résumé anglais This paper aims at clarifying some implications connected with the work about object classes and relevant for conceptual analysis. The first part contains some remarks about the interactions between formal syntactic constraints and conceptual restrictions in connection with words distribution. The second part tries to draw some relevant distinctions within the realm of conceptual restrictions. On the basis of explicit criteria, a distinction will be made between basic conceptual structures holding as consistency criteria, generally shared cognitive models and linguistic-specific lexical solidarities .
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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