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Titre Opérateurs et enjeux discursifs
Auteur A. Landré, E. Friemel
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 132, décembre 1998 Cognition, catégorisation, langage, sous la direction de Rodolphe Ghiglione, Jean-Pierre Desclés et Jean-François Richard
Page 108-123
Résumé anglais This study analyses argumentative operators in terms of how they work and tries to show the characteristics of a situation can, on one hand, determine the speakers' objectives and, on the other hand, organize the choice of certain language elements, bringing with the functionally differentiated use of the operators. Resolutely, we take the point of view of a speaker who is a member of a social group, carrying with him a history, beliefs, images, etc., and who finds himself in a communication situation in which he has a stake and specific objectives, (all) underlying his discursive strategies. We propose to identify four different discursive strategies which make up as many argumentation variations, translated into language through a differentiated use of language operators according to situations and speakers' objectives. Globally, the results will show that the finalities sought (inferred by the directions) are detectable in language through the analysis of specific linguistic markers, translating thus the discursive strategies of the subjects.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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