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Titre Peut-on décrire un créole sans référence à sa genèse ? Pronoms et adjectifs dans les créoles français
Auteur Robert Chaudenson
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 138, juin 2000 Syntaxe des langues créoles [En hommage à Chris Corne] sous la direction de Daniel Véronique
Page 22-35
Résumé anglais Can a creole language be described without any reference to genesis ? Pronouns and adjectives in French-based creoles Structural differences between languages do not exclude genetic links. However, this paper assumes that creolization results neither from the direct influence of substrate or superstrate languages but rather from the conjonction of various processes : self-regulation of the dominant language system, i.e. French in this case, and its impact on the emergent creole languages, and language acquisition principles. It is possible to retrace the interplay of these factors in the emergence of various creole sub-systems, for instance in the development of zf/z-words. Turning to adjectives inFrench Creoles, and after having examined various issues, the paper concludes in favour of the existence of this grammatical category in French-based creoles, although creole adjectives differ from their French counterparts as predicates.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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