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Titre Verbes statifs et adjectifs en tayo
Auteur Chris Corne
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 138, juin 2000 Syntaxe des langues créoles [En hommage à Chris Corne] sous la direction de Daniel Véronique
Page 36-48
Résumé anglais Stative verbs and adjectives in Tayo The lexicon of tayo is French-based whereas its syntax is principally influenced by Kanak languages. In Tayo, there is a small number of pre-posed adjectives, coming distinctly from French since the Kanak languages do not allow such a word-order. Post-posed adjectives are rare. The alternative is a relative clause containing a stative verb, a Kanak pattern. The paper analyzes stative verbs found in the following context le + verb + subject and causative derivation through the use of prefix fe-+ stative verb, another Kanak pattern. Present-day bilingualism (Kanak languages-French) in the Tayo speech community determines a French or a Kanak reading of attributive (pre- and post-posed) and predicative adjectives, and stative verbs. Transfer and retention of lexifier language features are assumed to be the motor processes in the creation and evolution of new vernaculars.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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