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Titre À propos de la syntaxe des pronoms objets en créole haïtien : points de vue croisés de la morphologie et de la diachronie
Auteur Michel Degraff, Daniel Véronique
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 138, juin 2000 Syntaxe des langues créoles [En hommage à Chris Corne] sous la direction de Daniel Véronique
Page 89-113
Résumé anglais Striking differences between Haitian Creole (HC) and its lexifier language, French (FR), concern (inter alia) the Case-related morphology and the distribution of Object pronouns. The goal of the paper is to relate HC-vs-FR differences in object-pronoun morphosyntax to other morphosyntactic distinctions between the two languages, i.e. verb morphosyntax and inflectional morphology. As a contribution to the study of the mental processes underlying creole genesis and language change, the paper examines superstrate and substrate influence in language creation qua parameter(re)setting. It is shown that HC differs from both FR and main Kwa languages. Stark morphological differences contrast FR and HC verbs and pronouns. Inflection for Case and word-order also differentiate Fongbe and HC pronouns. Reduced inflectional morphology (as in other language-contact situations) coupled with particularly salient source-language patterns in the Primary Language Data act as triggers toward fixing particular parameters. Verb-syntax patterns make creolization quite similar to diachrony. Both sets of phenomena ultimatety reduce to UG-based constraints in language acquisition.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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