Titre | Grammaire de Montague, catégories Lamillar et types : une présentation des théories actuelles en sémantique et en interprétation du discours | |
Auteur | Francisco J. Salguero | |
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Revue | Langages |
Numéro | no 148, décembre 2002 Les grammaires catégorielles, sous la direction de Béatrice Godart-Wendling | |
Page | 76-92 | |
Résumé anglais |
The linguistic notion of meaning has suffered great modifications in the last thirty years. The works by the American logician Richard Montague have played an important role in this change of perspective. In fact, Montague Grammar (MG) is nowadays one of the main formalisms used in the actual semantic theory. His proposals are directly related to the categorial tradition, in which main subjects concerning language meaning had been studied from a logical and a computational point of view. Maybe this is the reason why the contraposition of MG and Dynamic theories of meaning was a constant in the 1990's. Indeed, the Montagovian framework of semantic analysis has been applied in many works on meaning theory and dynamic semantics during the last decade. In this paper, we have a sight on one of those theories about natural language semantics based on the MG framework. Source : Éditeur (via Persée) |
Article en ligne | http://www.persee.fr/doc/lgge_0458-726x_2002_num_36_148_2424 |