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Titre Les dérivés français à référence collective
Auteur Sophie Aliquot-Suengas
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 152, décembre 2003 Quoi de neuf en morphologie? sous la direction de Bernard Fradin et Françoise Kerleroux
Page 33-50
Résumé anglais Our analysis of french nouns with collective reference which are constructed on the basis of a noun with the suffixes -ade, -aie, -aille and -uге such as colonnade, chênaie, chevelure and grenaille or prêtraille has a double end: (i) to account of the exact part of the suffixation in the fact that a noun may have a collective reference; (ii) to progress in the analysis of collective throughout the part-whole relations, and, in a very specific manner, throughout two of these relations, the portion- mass relation (which connects grain to grenaille, for instance), and a relation which has never been studied for itself but has only been evocated in a constrastive way connected with other meronymic relations, the member-collection relation (which connects colonne with colonnade and cheveu with chevelure for instance). It appears that one can predict the type of whole named by a derived noun according to the suffix which has been used to construct it. So it will be proved that the lexical units do have a lexical specific meaning which is independent of the context; so it will be shown how to express plurality in the inflexional and derivational fields.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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