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Titre L'optimisation des attaques dans les hypocoristiques espagnols
Auteur Marc Plénat
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 152, décembre 2003 Quoi de neuf en morphologie? sous la direction de Bernard Fradin et Françoise Kerleroux
Page 78-101
Résumé anglais Spanish hypocoristics are known for the consonantal strenghtenings they display (cf. Francisco → Pancho, Sergio → Checo, etc.). These strengthenings have been analyzed (Piñeros 2000) as a manifestation of the emergence of the unmarked triggered by the different propensities of consonants to function as onsets. We will analyze in the very same terms two classes of hypocoristics which have until now resisted analysis: those formed via consonantal reduplication (e.g. Francisco → Quico) and those formed via a process of syncope (e.g. Francisco → Paco). In both cases, the speaker is able to extract from the string of segments a consonant most apt to play the role of onset than that which would have been obtained via apocope or apheresis.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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