Contenu de l'article

Titre Interjections issues d'un verbe de mouvement : étude comparée français-espagnol
Auteur Ascension Sierra Soriano
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 161, mars 2006 L'interjection : jeux et enjeux, sous la direction de Claude Buridant
Page 73-90
Résumé anglais In this paper, we analyse and compare the interjections proceeding from movement verbs in imperative: « allez, allons » in French and « anda, venga, vamos, vaya » in Spanish. The aim is to show the use and the process of grammaticalisation of these interjections in both languages. We also demonstrate that they aren't simple discursive particles within lexical meaning seeing that it's their polysemy that creates most of the problems in translation. The contrastive analyse brings supplementary data to a study which would be undoubtedly unfinished if it would be done in only one language.
Source : Éditeur (via
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