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Titre L'interjection accompagnée d'un geste. Plaidoyer pour un description lexicographique
Auteur Pierre Rézeau
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 161, mars 2006 L'interjection : jeux et enjeux, sous la direction de Claude Buridant
Page 91-100
Résumé anglais Treated as the poor parent of linguistic studies, the interjection has hardly benefited from a better status with lexicographers. We shall try to compensate for this by looking a specific area of language: that of the interjection accompanied by a gesture. Example of this: such as « plouf plouf » are particularly frequent in nursery rhymes but can of course be found elsewhere, as the examples « chut » and « dehors » illustrate.
Source : Éditeur (via
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