Contenu de l'article

Titre De la corrélation temporelle à la connexion discursive : les cas de cependant et alors
Auteur Frédérique Saez
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 174, juin 2009 Constructions et interprétations de systèmes corrélatifs
Page 67-82
Résumé anglais Our study concerns the structures which relate to the clauses introduced by quand (Quand-P,‘when-clauses'), which can be integrated in correlative structures with temporal value. We concentrate our work on the term correlate quand (‘when') and the temporal adverbscependant and alors (‘however/nevertheless' and ‘then'), which can take – in case they are not correlated to quand – concessive or opposite value as well. The aim is to analyze the value of these adverbs in a correlative structure quand p, cependant/alors q, and to compare them with the structure where one correlate term is missing (quand p, q/p, cependant q/p,alors q). We will try to underline the impact of the syntactic structure upon the selection of different values in our utterances.
Source : Éditeur (via
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