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Titre Les dictionnaires électroniques du modèle des classes d'objets
Auteur Pierre-André Buvet, Aude Grezka
Mir@bel Revue Langages
Numéro no 176, décembre 2009 Les représentations des structures prédicat-arguments
Page 63-79
Résumé anglais The Electronic Dictionaries of the Class of Objects Model This article first presents a methodology for the elaboration of electronic dictionaries based on the theoretical model of 'objects classes'. We shall then discuss about the problems encountered while trying to map our linguistic model on to a database model, particularly with the encoding of the predicates. We finally put forward the theoretical solutions adopted to improve our description. Our analysis settles as aim the construction of all the possible parameters necessary to build an exhaustive and precise description of the uses of predicates with the accuracy and completeness required by automatic analysis so as to satisfy the functional constraints of a 'good' electronic dictionary.
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