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Titre La légitimation par le droit ? Les défis du gouvernement de la famille en contexte musulman. Une comparaison Sénégal/Maroc
Auteur Marième N'Diaye
Mir@bel Revue Critique internationale
Numéro no 73, octobre-décembre 2016 La fabrique de l'hérédité en politique
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 111-131
Résumé anglais Legitimation by Law? The Challenges of Family Government in a Muslim Context (Senegal/ Morocco) The reform of family law in Senegal and Morocco has proven an extremely sensitive matter as it involves state action in the private sphere, which has traditionally been governed by competing (religious and/or customary) normative systems. This comparative study examines the manner in which these states redefined family norms and the effect of these reforms on the social order in order to determine their ability to assert their monopoly over legal production. Although relying upon different sources of legitimacy, the two states opted for the same redefinition of Islamic law in keeping with the modernist project they both promote. An examination of the law's application nevertheless reveals the conservatism of the legal system and the willingness of subjects to circumvent it, both signs of resistance in these societies. While the state asserts itself in its role as arbiter of debate and producer of law, the norm that it promotes does not fundamentally upset the existing social order. Less than a break with the past, these reforms ultimately represent a desire to come to terms with existing normative pluralism. ■
Source : Éditeur (via
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