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Titre L'aspect et la copule vide dans la grammaire des titres
Auteur M.-T. Vinet
Mir@bel Revue Langue française
Numéro no 100, décembre 1993 Temps et aspect dans la langue française, sous la direction de Jacqueline Guéron
Page 83-101
Résumé anglais The aim of this paper is to discuss the structure of predicate constructions without a copula in French headlines. We show that the categorial selection for the syntactic realization of predication is here partly determined by the semantic properties of a lexical verbal element. We also demonstrate the role of a non-overt Aspectual head in licensing DP predicates which are obligatorily free adjuncts in this register of French. Finally, a brief comparison of predicate constructions in Moroccan Arabic serves to emphasize the universality of certain aspects of these constructions.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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