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Titre Une étude de la combinatoire des noms de sentiment dans une grammaire locale
Auteur A. Balibar-Mrabti
Mir@bel Revue Langue française
Numéro no 105, février 1995 Grammaire des sentiments, sous la direction de Antoinette Balibar-Mrabti
Page 88-97
Résumé anglais The aim of this paper is to establish a list of "nouns of feeling" within the theory of support verbs of Zellig Harris and to construct a lexicon-grammar expressing "feelings". We study in simple sentences combinatorial constraints between these nouns and specific verbs, which we have also listed. We consider two syntactic positions : subject and complement. About thirty nouns combine with about sixty verbs. We pay a particular attention to a relation between causative sentences and sentences with an "instrumental" complement.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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