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Titre Où placer l'adjectif épithète ? Focalisation et modularité
Auteur H. Nølke
Mir@bel Revue Langue française
Numéro no 111, septembre 1996 L'ordre des mots, sous la direction de Henning Nølke et Hanne Korzen
Page 38-58
Résumé anglais Where to place the attributive adjective in French ? Focalisation and modularity More than 450 years of research have shown that the placement of the French attributive adjective — before or after its substantive — is governed by a huge number of apparently disparate factors. This paper argues that a cogent theory of focalisation can explain a large scale of facts which hitherto been regarded as non-related. Conceived of as a component of a linguistic modular model, focalisation theory may thus contribute to yielding valuable new insight into the complex mechanisms underlying word order even at the phrase level.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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