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Titre Le système des possessifs en français standard moderne
Auteur Anne Zribi-Hertz
Mir@bel Revue Langue française
Numéro no 122, mai 1999 Le groupe nominal : contraintes distributionnelles et hypothèses de descriptions, sous la direction de Anne Daladier
Page 7-29
Résumé anglais The possessive system of Standard Modern French. This paper offers a thorough description of the three series of possessive expressions produced in Standard Modern French: possessive determiners (e.g. mon), possessive adjectives (e.g. mien) and dative possessives (e.g. à moi). It attempts to show how the three types are interrelated, and in what respects the possessive system of Modern French differs from those of Old French and Latin. The leading assumption is that Modern French possessives are spell-outs of a functional head, labelled 'I°', which articulates finite predications.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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