Contenu de l'article

Titre Pour plus fresche memoire : la fonction didactique de l'histoire dans le Roman de la Rose moralisé de Jean Molinet
Auteur Jean Devaux
Mir@bel Revue Le Moyen Age
Numéro tome 112, no 3, 2006
Page 557-573
Résumé anglais Pour plus fresche memoire: the didactic form of history in Roman de la Rose moralisé by Jean Molinet. Beyond its properly exegetic dimension, Jean Molinet's Roman de la Rose moralisé (ca 1500) provides evidence of the moral and didactic impact of history in Burgundy. These moralités were intended to bring out the spiritual lessons hidden within this treatise on secular love, but some also invoke fifteenth-century historical events and characters, sometimes from the very recent past. In addition to references to the history of the neighbouring kingdoms of France and England, the moralist selected key figures at the Burgundian court who, like traditional heroes, were deemed worthy of being used as exempla by the nobility. From the tradition of fictional romance biographies to chroniclers' narratives, the historical genre developed a wide range of memorable deeds, which were offered to readers as models to follow.
Source : Éditeur (via
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