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Titre David Aubert historien ? Le récit de la bataille de Roncevaux dans les Croniques et Conquestes de Charlemaine
Auteur Giovanni Palumbo
Mir@bel Revue Le Moyen Age
Numéro tome 112, no 3, 2006
Page 585-602
Résumé anglais Was David Aubert a historian ? The tale of the battle of Roncevaux in the Croniques et Conquestes de Charlemaine. Can the Croniques et Conquestes de Charlemaine be viewed as an historical text? The present study attempts to answer this general question using a specific case study, namely the tale of the battle of Roncevaux. Our analysis focuses first on Aubert's sources, such as the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle and the verse-Roland, and then on the author's technique in compiling his work.
Source : Éditeur (via
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