Contenu de l'article

Titre Qui et Que dans le Dictionnaire françois-latin de Robert Estienne
Auteur Martine Furno
Mir@bel Revue Langue française
Numéro no 139, septembre 2003 La grammatisation du français : qui que quoi vs qui(s) quod entre XVIe et XVIIIe siècles, sous la direction de Bernard Colombat
Page 28-46
Résumé anglais « Qui and Que in Robert Estienne's Dictionnaire françois- latin ». This paper intends to show the difficulties (and the ways of resolving them) that Robert Estienne, a lexicographer in the 16th century, encountered in writing his dictionary. Estienne, in the Dictionnaire François-latin published in 1549, uses examples found in his earlier Latin and Latin-French dictionaries to describe and translate the French relatives qui and que as well as the conjunction que. This method, based on Latin texts, leads to some tensions and distortions in the meanings and translations from French to Latin. But these errors can be explained by the intellectual context in which the dictionary was written: the influence of the vernacular language on the practice and comprehension of Latin and the lack of theoretical instruments to describe the vernacular. The Dictionnaire François-latin remains an effective dictionary for writing in Latin; and we must never forget what the qui and que articles show: that this dictionary is the last opus in the Latin tradition, rather than the first work in the French tradition.
Source : Éditeur (via Persée)
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