Contenu de l'article

Titre Les jeux de casuistique amoureuse dans quelques dialogues du Lancelot et du Tristan en prose
Auteur Corinne Denoyelle
Mir@bel Revue Le Moyen Age
Numéro tome 115, no 2, 2009
Page 277-289
Résumé anglais The games of amorous casuistry in some of the exchanges in the prose Lancelot and Tristan The influence of amorously casuistic debate, fashionable in medieval aristocratic society, and which has already been substantially noted in Romanesque themes and motifs, probably also extended to certain conversational microstructures. In some exchanges in the prose Lancelot and Tristan, it is noticeable that the structure of the exchanges seems to be influenced by these playful models. This affects revelatory exchanges by bringing distance to what is being said. By making them “playful”, the characters are free to reveal, under the guise of lightheartedness, truths that are hard to express. These romances, which we also know use university or legal forms of interaction as well, thus reveal their ability to integrate all human language situations in their bid for exhaustivity.
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