Contenu de l'article

Titre La ScaPoLine appliquée sur corpus. L'exemple du pronom on
Auteur Coco Norén
Mir@bel Revue Langue française
Numéro no 164, décembre 2009 La polyphonie linguisitique
Page 137-148
Résumé anglais This article concerns the French indefinite pronoun on in relation to linguistic polyphony. Two questions of different epistemological status are addressed. The first one is theoretical. The study examines the correspondence between the third person in ScaPoLine theory and the uses of on. It is demonstrated that some revisions of the standard 2004 version are called for : eliminating subdivisions of the third person and establishing the third person's two images, parallel to the ones given for the locuteur and the allocutaire. The second question is methodological. The article suggests that a corpus-based study of polyphony can reveal differences between genres. This approach is illustrated by the use of two sets of data : one drawn from the literary genre (Madame Bovary) and the other from political discourse (French debates in the European Parliament).
Source : Éditeur (via
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