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Titre Identité collective et mémoire des réformes « richardiennes » dans l'historiographie bénédictine en Basse-Lotharingie et au Nord-Est de la France (XIe–XIIe siècles)
Auteur Steven Vanderputten
Mir@bel Revue Le Moyen Age
Numéro tome 117, no 2, 2011
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 259-289
Résumé anglais Collective Identity and Memory of the “Ricardian” Reforms in Benedictine Historiography in Lower-Lotharingia and in North-Eastern France (XIe–XIIe Centuries). This article discusses the integration of the memory of the “ricardian” reforms into the social memory of the Benedictine communities in Lower Lotharingia and in North-Eastern France. Whereas writers close to the facts still express a qualified or even disinterested view of the reforms, the actuality of the fact of the reforms, beginning at the end of the XIe Century, had a profound influence on the way the historiography of the period represented the preceding “wave” of reforms. This development should be taken into consideration in any study of monastic life in the Central Middle Ages, if only to understand the impact of these writers on our knowledge of the concrete consequences of the reforms.
Source : Éditeur (via
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