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Titre Le Martyre de saint Lambert du « diptyque Palude » et les cérémonies de 1489 à la cathédrale de Liège
Auteur Paul Bruyère
Mir@bel Revue Le Moyen Age
Numéro tome 118, no 2, 2012
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 329-368
Résumé anglais The Martyrdom of Saint Lambert in the “Palude Diptych” and the Ceremonies held in 1489 in Liege Cathedral The representation of the Martyrdom of Saint Lambert in the “Palude Diptych” is an important work in the pictorial heritage of Liege. In order to explain its particular iconography, this study makes the first in-depth analysis of the political and religious context, as well as specific hagiographic and liturgical sources, of the town's cathedral. The painting was commissioned by the cathedral's cantor, Henri ex Palude († 1515), after he had presided over special ceremonies for the opening of shrines and the veneration of relics, which in turn led to the renewed veneration of Bishop Lambert's nephews, Peter and Audolet, who were both assassinated at the same time as Saint Lambert. An unusual man, Henri ex Palude, both a lawyer involved in peace negotiations between the Hornes and La Marck families and a canon responsible for liturgical ceremonies, was intensely devoted to Saint Lambert. After demonstrating that the painting was not placed in the Cathedral, the author suggests that it was conceived as an altarpiece for the altar in the cantor's cloister.
Source : Éditeur (via
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