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Titre Les rois d'Angleterre dans les Chroniques de Jean Molinet, indiciaire bourguignon (1474–1506)
Auteur Alexandre Grosjean
Mir@bel Revue Le Moyen Age
Numéro tome 118, no 3, 2012
Page 523-544
Résumé anglais English Kings in the Chronicles of Jean Molinet, Burgundian historiographer (1474–1506) The views expressed in the narratives written at the Court of the Dukes of Burgundy testify to a range of opinions on the English kingdom and its rulers. Jean Molinet, a native of Burgundy and chronicler to its Court from 1475 to 1507, sketches a highly diverse picture of the monarchs who ruled across the Channel in the years covered by his Chronicles. These are influenced as much by their author's personal aspirations as by the diplomatic policy followed by the Burgundian lands and the political travails in which England was enmeshed at a time when the clashes of the Wars of the Roses were coming to an end and the Tudor dynasty was being established.
Source : Éditeur (via
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