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Titre De 1976 a 1982 : Alusiones y elusiones de una genealogía
Auteur María A. Semilla Durán
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 15, 2016 Coup d'état en Argentine et Guerre des Malouines
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier "Coup d'état en Argentine et Guerre des Malouines"
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Résumé anglais In this work and through a series of texts going from Los Pichiciegos by Fogwill (1982) ; to Las Islas by Carlos Gamerro (1998) ; Una puta mierda by Patricio Pron (2007) ; Trasfondo by Patricia Ratto (2012) ; Sobrevivientes by Fernando Monicelli (2012) ; Antebrazo by Ernesto Seman (2016), and El poder de la mente by Julian Lopez (2016) we intend to sutdy the different modalities of alluding to and/or avoid the link between the dictatorship and the Malvinas'war. In order to do so we will emphasize the literary methods chosen to articulate such strategies, their effects and the meanings they produce. This will allow us to identify a series of discourse evolutions which represent different degrees of implicit and explicit. Such degrees oscillate between reference, allusion and elusion and tend to be in line with an analogical paradigma that uses the framework of the facts as sort of a subtext which relates to the narration in an oblique way, paradigma that requires from the reader a shared knowledge which is not provided by the text. Two main and contradictory lines explain as well as delimit such techniques: historization or de-historization, and each one of them proposes politico-ideological interpretations of the events, obsesively adjusted by polemical writings.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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