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Titre Los pequeños engranajes de la maquinaria del horror : Martín Kohan
Auteur Teresa García Díaz
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 15, 2016 Coup d'état en Argentine et Guerre des Malouines
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier "Coup d'état en Argentine et Guerre des Malouines"
 Coup d'État : militaires, résistants et artistes
Résumé anglais I am interested in highlighting the nuances in which Martín Kohan constructs petty, respectful of hierarchical, controlled, subdued and apparently secondary characters with a grey disposition, and makes them the protagonists of the novels Dos veces junio and Cuentas pendientes. Also, I reflect on the ways in which these secondary characters were key pieces of the political machinery that sustained the dictatorship and led to the theft of children, torture, and murder in the midst of human evil and misery.  Finally, I emphasize the fact that the point of view moves away from the victims by focusing on the links, a resource which, in addition to allowing the narrative to be fluid in the face of such brutality, moves the reader closer to the political machinery than to the victims, without diminishing the transcendence of the events.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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