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Titre Marcas y contaminaciones de la neurosis en La astucia de la razón de José Pablo Feinmann
Auteur Patricio Subirol
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 15, 2016 Coup d'état en Argentine et Guerre des Malouines
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier "Coup d'état en Argentine et Guerre des Malouines"
 Coup d'État : militaires, résistants et artistes
Résumé anglais La astucia de la razón of José Pablo Feinmann presents Pablo Epstein's life who develops a neurosis during the military coup in March 1976, Argentina. Among the pathological writing, the narration shows the marks of trauma and explores the tensions between experience and the ways of telling it. Moreover, it exposes a disintegrated subject that needs to replace himself at each step. In this movement, it changes the enunciation's position and suspends any conciliatory closing. Reading this text in a self-referential key, Epstein writing a novel about himself, suggests an intersection between the testimony of a neurotic person and other text written in third person that produces the objectification of his life for making readable the traumatic experience. This fictional game allows others contaminations of voices, chronologies and bodies. It generates modifications of the sense and emphasizes the diffuse boundaries of trauma. Looking these marks and contaminations permits researching an individual memory crossed by the obsessive repetition and the irreducible distance between writing and past's sequels.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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