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Titre Las revistas literarias del exilio latinoamericano en Suecia (1980-1992)
Auteur Débora Rottenberg
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 15, 2016 Coup d'état en Argentine et Guerre des Malouines
Rubrique / Thématique
Dossier "Coup d'état en Argentine et Guerre des Malouines"
 Coup d'État : militaires, résistants et artistes
Résumé anglais About thirty different magazines were published in Sweden by the Latin-American exiles, among them seven literary magazines. In this article I will present the first issue of the first published literary magazine, Hoy y aquí, appeared in May 1980. The analysis focuses in the matter of exile. I come to the conclusion that exile is represented as an oscillation between two poles, a pole of nostalgia and a pole of curiosity in the new. A fundamental function of this first issue is to encourage the readers to use language as a tool in the situation of exile, something about what Hoy y aquí becomes an example of.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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