Contenu de l'article

Titre Producing Innovations: A Low-Key Science Policy on Embryonic Stem Cells
Auteur Philippe Brunet, Philippe Brunet
Mir@bel Revue Journal of Innovation Economics
Numéro no 22, 2017 Techno-Scientific Culture and Innovation
Page 9-27
Résumé anglais Human embryonic stem cells (h
ESC) are the subject of research that requires destroying the embryo. The result is a tension between the logic of development of innovations and ethical constraints. This article seeks to understand this dynamic of innovation and its non-availability in France, focusing on political science. After understanding the development model of innovation and the concept of political science, the analysis focuses on the establishment of a normative ethical barrier against research on hESCs. This establishes a principle ‘prohibited with derogation to be seen', full of ambiguity. The tension generated by this principle led the State to implement a low-key policy: limited, hidden and delegated. Faced with this tension, scientists are trying to develop workarounds, both politically and at scientific level, to continue the innovative dynamic.JEL Codes: O38, O30
Source : Éditeur (via
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