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Titre Performance, Documentary, and the Transmission of Memories of the Great Leap Famine in the Folk Memory Project
Auteur Judith Pernin
Mir@bel Revue China perspectives
Numéro no 2014/4 Remembering the Mao Era
Rubrique / Thématique
Special feature
Page 17-26
Résumé anglais Independent documentary film projects dealing with history have recently multiplied in China. While all seek to shed new light on personal experiences of the Mao era, they vary greatly in form, method, and scale. Launched in 2010 by Wu Wenguang at the Caochangdi Workstation, a space devoted to contemporary dance and documentary film, the Folk Memory Project aims at producing various textual and visual records of the historical experience of rural populations, especially during the Great Leap famine. Of special interest are the 20 documentaries of the Folk Memory Project's film section – a body of works constantly growing following yearly returns by filmmakers to their “home” villages. These films are characterised by a performative aspect that is rare in other Chinese documentaries on similar topics. This contribution examines this body of documentaries and the role of performance and performativity in the recording of collective memory of the famine.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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