Contenu de l'article

Titre Between Geostrategic Rivalry and Economic Competition
Auteur Jean-François Huchet
Mir@bel Revue China perspectives
Numéro no 2008/3 China and its Continental Borders
Rubrique / Thématique
Special Feature: China and its Continental Borders
Page 50-67
Résumé anglais This article analyses the extent of the China-India diplomatic thaw since the early 1990s. Without ignoring the existence of multiple cooperation channels, or seeking to minimise the importance of the considerable achievements realised in recent years by the two governments towards normalising their relations, the article show that relations between the two Asian giants remain hamstrung by a series of geostrategic and economic rivalries. Despite fast growth in trade and in specific areas of economic cooperation, the normalisation of ties between Beijing and New Delhi does not yet constitute a genuine strategic partnership.
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