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Titre À l'aube de la Nation : l'Histoire en Castille aux xive–xve siècles
Auteur Béatrice Leroy
Mir@bel Revue Le Moyen Age
Numéro tome 122, no 2, 2016
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 341-384
Résumé anglais The Dawning of the Nation. The History of Castile in the 14th–15th Centuries
In their work, historiographers of the Kingdom of Castile speak of the natural link between the people and the nourishing earth, the king's honor, his officers; of a king who must be defended, especially because he is king of Castile. They emphasize that the kingdom is everything it should be when it is served by its Castilians. Expressed in countless synonyms, ideas about nation can already be detected in these histories written in the service of their country.
Source : Éditeur (via
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