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Titre « Gendarme de l'Europe » ou « chef de file » ? Le Maroc dans le dispositif régulateur des migrations euro-méditerranéennes
Auteur Younès Ahouga, Rahel Kunz
Mir@bel Revue Critique internationale
Numéro no 74, janvier-mars 2017
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 95-115
Résumé anglais Europe's Policeman or Leader? The Place of Morocco in the Regulative Dispositif of Euro-Mediterranean Migration Efforts to regulate international migration have resulted in a global architecture that seeks to incorporate states of origin and transit. As a country of origin, transit and destination, Morocco occupies a particular place in this architecture. Adopting a Foucauldian governmentality approach, the present article considers the latter as a dispositif meant to align state perception and action. Such an approach allows one to conceptualize the regulation of Euro-Mediterranean migration, not as a simple externalization of the demands of the European Union towards a third country, but rather as a neoliberal governmentality. This is reflected in a dispositif of the conduct of conduct, the cartography of which reveals a political rationality and governmental technologies that aim to transform states of origin and transit into responsible, self-disciplining partners. Studying this dispostif, however, also reveals that it is unstable and traversed by its partners' reluctance and counter-conducts. ■
Source : Éditeur (via
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