Contenu de l'article

Titre Les migrants irréguliers en ville : Quelle rationalité aux politiques de sanctuaire ?
Auteur Hilary Sanders
Mir@bel Revue Revue française d'études américaines
Numéro no 148, 3ème trimestre 2016 Revendiquer le droit à la ville dans la métropole américaine
Page 67-83
Résumé anglais This article examines the political rationalities of municipal sanctuary policies towards undocumented immigrants, which were first adopted in the 1980s in the midst of an influx of Central American asylum-seekers. The policies have become governmental tools serving to maintain trust and communication between municipal services and immigrant communities, contributing in particular to strategies of community policing. Drawing on fieldwork undertaken in 2010-2011, the article analyzes the texts of municipal ordinances in New York and Philadelphia, public discourse by the respective mayors, and interviews with stakeholders in order to identify the logics underlying support for sanctuary policies. The conditional and precarious nature of the protections offered by these policies is found to be linked to the way they construct undocumented immigrants as a deserving and strategic population of residents.
Source : Éditeur (via
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