Titre | El contradiscurso de la memoria en Los pichiciegos de Rodolfo Fogwill | |
Auteur | Roberta Tennenini | |
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Revue | Amerika |
Numéro | no 16, 2017 Les féminismes en Amérique latine et dans les Caraïbes (XXe-XXIe s) : identités et enjeux | |
Rubrique / Thématique | Mélanges |
Résumé anglais |
On the 2nd of april 1982, in order to distract citizens' attention from the state terrorism and the difficult economic situation, the third military junta of the so-called National Reorganisation Process (1976-83) launched the unfortunate Falklands war. A meticulous manipulation of the national information system surrounded the event and lead to the construction of a triumphalist and and praising speech. In the preface of Los pichiciegos, Rodolfo Fogwill maintains that he maintains that he decided to write a novel about the war when he realised that his family had been infected by the military propaganda. In order to explore the relationship between testimony and fiction, this paper analyses Los pichiciegos through some significant theories on memory (Ricœur), biopolitical power (Foucault, Agamben) and political aestheticism (Benjamin). The analysis will show how a fictional testimony can raise and address some very relevant questions about the discursive construction of History. Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals) |
Article en ligne | http://amerika.revues.org/7859 |