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Titre Tibetan vibratory connections
Auteur Hildegard Diemberger, Charles Ramble
Mir@bel Revue Terrain
Numéro no 68, automne 2017 L'emprise des sons
Résumé anglais In Tibet sounds can heal, make ill, protect, challenge, appease, defile, purify, seduce or even liberate from worldly attachments. Sounds of the natural environment merge with human-made music and chanting in soundscapes that are intimately interconnected. While the spiritual features and healing powers of Buddhist ritual music have been often described, what is perhaps less known is the kaleidoscope of natural and human sounds against which it has been developed and performed for centuries. In this portfolio we explore some of these sacred soundscapes, their history and impacts.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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