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Titre L'Isotopie du saut dans le Tristan de Béroul et le Tristrant d'Eilhart d'Oberg : Une clef nouvelle pour la compréhension de la « version commune » (2e partie)
Auteur Nicolas Lenoir
Mir@bel Revue Le Moyen Age
Numéro tome 123, no 2, 2017
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 261-294
Résumé anglais The Isotopy of the Leap in Béroul's Tristan and the Tristrant by Eilhart von Oberge
Based on an inventory and a detailed examination of the morphological and lexicological paradigm of the verb “salir”, the study shows how the isotopy of the leap is an essential foundation of Béroul's Tristan and Eilhart von Oberge's Tristrant, and how it makes it easier to understand the consistency and senefiance (importance) of the “common” version. Focusing initially on the two famous episodes of the “Flour on the Floor” and the “Leap from the Chapel”, the author extends his analysis to the tale's structures, the various reprises and variations of the theme from one text to the other, finally to reveal a “poetics of the leap”. The leap seems to be a new key to the reading of Tristan subject matter: an aesthetic principle in Béroul's narrative that proceeds in successive bursts, an archaic and mythical hero's signature, symbol of Tristan's wild aspects and his affinity with transgression.
Source : Éditeur (via
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