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Titre Le Vietnam des « hameaux stratégiques », à la croisée des influences
Auteur Élie Tenenbaum
Mir@bel Revue Critique internationale
Numéro no 79, avril-juin 2018 Les villages stratégiques : politiques contre-insurrectionnelles et regroupements de populations
Rubrique / Thématique
Thema. Les villages stratégiques : politiques contre-insurrectionnelles et regroupements de populations
Page 45-61
Résumé anglais Intersecting Influences: Vietnam's “Strategic Hamlets” The “strategic hamlets” program was launched in 1962 by the government of Ngo Dinh Diem in South Vietnam. Inspired by many historical precedents (Indochina, Malaya, Israel), the aim of this project was to regroup rural communities around fortified, modern, autonomous villages for economic and security purposes in order to remove them from the communist influence of the National Liberation Front (NLF). This study examines the mechanisms by which “knowledge circulation” and external influences – in particular, British and American ones – contributed to the program's conception. By establishing a rigorous genealogy of this system and identifying the various factors that converged in its realization, one may distinguish between analytical errors resulting from “experience transfer” and those associated with the specific manner in which this undertaking was implemented.
Source : Éditeur (via
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