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Titre De la persistance des villages d'État au Mozambique
Auteur João Paulo Borges Coelho, Léa Barreau-Tran
Mir@bel Revue Critique internationale
Numéro no 79, avril-juin 2018 Les villages stratégiques : politiques contre-insurrectionnelles et regroupements de populations
Rubrique / Thématique
Thema. Les villages stratégiques : politiques contre-insurrectionnelles et regroupements de populations
Page 63-83
Résumé anglais On the Persistence of State Villages in Mozambique Studying the forced displacement over the long term of rural communities in a region of Mozambique allows one to compare Aldeamentos, villages that were constructed and fortified during the war between the Portuguese colonial regime and Mozambican nationalist forces, and Aldeias Comunais, villages created following independence in the aim of developing and controlling the country's territory. Official accounts of the purposes of these villages notwithstanding, the fact that totally distinct objectives have resulted in nearly identical outcomes reveals the nature of the state and the manner in which it considers and subjugates rural communities in order to appropriate resources.
Source : Éditeur (via
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