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Titre Construire (dans) les marges de l'État, entre politiques de « développement » et stratégies de contre-insurrection (Chaco, Argentine, 1976-1980)
Auteur Pamela Colombo, Doris Buu-Sao
Mir@bel Revue Critique internationale
Numéro no 79, avril-juin 2018 Les villages stratégiques : politiques contre-insurrectionnelles et regroupements de populations
Rubrique / Thématique
Thema. Les villages stratégiques : politiques contre-insurrectionnelles et regroupements de populations
Page 85-108
Résumé anglais Constructing (in) the Margins of the State: Between “Development” Policies and Counterinsurgency Strategies (Chaco, Argentina, 1976-80) In order to produce a thorough-going sociopolitical reconfiguration, Argentina's civilian-military dictatorship (1976-1983) did not merely implement a system for the forced disappearance of individuals but also undertook territorial and urban reorganization at the national level. The present article considers one of these programs: the creation of strategic villages. My research seeks to understand how the state implements social engineering projects in which the spatial reinvention of peripheral territories sought to radically modify a social group and the political-economic situation of the zone in question. To do so, I examine the creation of Chaco Province's Fuerte Esperanza village in the framework of what was known as the “Western Campaign” undertaken in the “El Impenetrable” region (1976-1980). I show how, under cover of what was presented as a “development program”, Fuerte Esperanza was also created for purposes of counterinsurgency. I seek to understand and deconstruct the discourses and practices associated with these types of “military civic action” programs. Moreover, I am the first to advance the argument that continuities existed between the creation of this village and other similar programs of the time in Argentina (mainly in the province of Tucumán).
Source : Éditeur (via
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