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Titre Moraliser les dirigeants syndicaux ? Sur les usages politiques d'une loi de transparence financière dans le syndicalisme états-unien
Auteur Émilien Julliard
Mir@bel Revue Critique internationale
Numéro no 79, avril-juin 2018 Les villages stratégiques : politiques contre-insurrectionnelles et regroupements de populations
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 135-157
Résumé anglais Moralizing Labor Union Leaders? On the Political Uses of a Financial Transparency Law in US Labor Unionism On the basis of a study of two dissident movements conducted in local-level structures of major US service sector unions, this article considers the political uses of a public transparency measure allowing the accounts of labor union organizations to be consulted. Actors acting on behalf of “labor union democracy” revealed account information to members, including the salaries of local leaders. Here, “transparency” was put in the service of a commonplace moral critique of representation contributing to produce the “labor union oligarchy”: in terms of his way of life, the representative was portrayed as having more in common with the “boss” than with the employees, whose interest he was therefore said to no longer defend. The dissidence entrepreneurs thus resorted to scandal to mobilize the membership in order to put an end to their representatives' mandate or oblige them to behave differently. In this case, however, the dissidents did not succeed in scandalizing a sufficiently large number of members. Labor union head offices then intervened, simultaneously expelling the dissidents and the local leaders they had targeted.
Source : Éditeur (via
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