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Titre La gestion de la « crise des ordures » à Beyrouth durant l'été 2015 : quelle police des foules ?
Auteur Leïla Seurat
Mir@bel Revue Critique internationale
Numéro no 79, avril-juin 2018 Les villages stratégiques : politiques contre-insurrectionnelles et regroupements de populations
Rubrique / Thématique
Page 181-202
Résumé anglais Managing the “Garbage Crisis” of Summer 2015 in Beirut: The Issue of Crowd Control Arab countries continue to occupy a marginal place in the study of crowd control. While sociologists and political scientists who are specialists of the region readily take the use of repression into account in examining collective mobilizations, very few specifically attend to policing practices. This article seeks to fill this gap by offering an interpretation of the manner in which the police managed the demonstrations that took place in Beirut in summer 2015. On several occasions, the “garbage crisis” led the Internal Security Forces (ISF) to employ disproportionate force. These events bear upon debates relating to the sociology of the police and social movements. In particular, they underscore the role played by institutional and organizational factors.
Source : Éditeur (via
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