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Titre La pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale de certains publics mal appréhendés par la statistique publique
Auteur Juliette Baronnet, Pauline Kertudo, Sarah Faucheux-Leroy
Mir@bel Revue Recherche sociale
Numéro no 215, juillet-septembre 2015 L'action sociale face aux publics précaires « invisibles » (I)
Page 4-92
Résumé anglais This research has been conducted for the National Observatory of Poverty and Social Exclusion (ONPES). Its necessity has arisen following the acknowledgement that French public statistics and, more generally, public and academic research, have very little knowledge on certain populations amongst the poorest and most excluded ones. As a consequence, public policy to address their needs either lacks or does not reach its goal. After analysing the causes and the patterns of this social invisibility, this paper reviews the existent literature and knowledge on six under-investigated social groups : homeless people hosted by friends or relatives ; people over which institutional/policy supervision of any kind has just ended (e.g. those who just got out of prison) ; relatives of children in out-of-family placement ; sheltered people suffering mental disorders ; self-employed poor workers ; rural and neo-rural poor dwellers. This paper then concludes by identifying further research areas to be explored in order to improve policy.
Source : Éditeur (via
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