Contenu de l'article

Titre « Permettre aux personnes d'exprimer comment, selon elles, il faut lutter contre la pauvreté » : Entretien avec Frédéric SUBBIOTTO, volontaire permanent et animateur des ateliers de croisement des savoirs et des pratiques, ATD Quart Monde
Auteur Pauline Kertudo, Ariane Alberghini
Mir@bel Revue Recherche sociale
Numéro no 215, juillet-septembre 2015 L'action sociale face aux publics précaires « invisibles » (I)
Page 134-143
Résumé anglais ATD Fourth World has been working since its inception, in the 50s, to help people that face extreme poverty to be heard and considered by society. This is the essential condition to eradicate poverty successfully, as fighting poverty without listening to and considering the poor themselves is vain. This is why ATD has promoted the dialogue between policy makers, scholars, social workers and people that face poverty and exclusion, firstly with the People's Universities and then with the Merging of Knowledge workshops that ATD runs since the early 2000s. Frédéric SUBBIOTTO, permanent volunteer and Merging of Knowledge workshops organiser at ATD explains how this approach is successful in bridging the gaps between different types of knowledge and life perspectives, and in empowering “socially invisible” people.
Source : Éditeur (via
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