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Titre Le monstre politique. La vie nue et la puissance
Auteur Antonio Negri, Ariane Lantz, Pierre Lantz, Judith Revel
Mir@bel Revue L'Homme et la société
Numéro no 150-151, 1er trimestre 2003 Au risque du matérialisme
Page 137-158
Résumé anglais Driven out of metaphysics in Ancient Greece, at the beginning of the modern era the monster began to act like political power, an ontological condition of history. It took shape. By monster, we mean what weakens then terrorizes the power of those who consider themselves well born and, by virtue of it, the only ones empowered to direct. Eugenics, in different forms such as good genealogy or bio-power, attempts to develop in human beings the power over the life of the “multitude” which produces, innovates and develops a new subjectivity as a form of intellectual freedom in postmodenity. In this way, life is never naked because it is constantly the subject of the war waged by the dominant people who display their suffering bodies in order to distract attention from their joy and power of resistance against bio-political ingenuity, a new manifestation of eugenics.
Source : Éditeur (via
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