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Titre El relato de guerra: Cómo el arte transmite la memoria del conflicto en Colombia
Auteur Johanna Carvajal González
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 18, 2018 COLOMBIE 2017
Rubrique / Thématique
Résumé anglais The strength of art is translated into works of art, with a message that travels through the conscious, the unconscious, the experiences of each one of us, to speak of something universal, human, essential. The role of art in Colombia's current conjuncture period called post-conflict –or better said, the post-peace agreement– is to remind us of who we are, as emotional, rational and social beings. In the same way, art becomes a channel through which intimate narratives are transformed into a collective voice that denounces situations society refuses to live again. Through the analysis of the theater play Mujeres en la guerra (2001) directed by Fernando Montes, from the photographic work El David (2006) by Miguel Ángel Rojas and from the visual work of Juan Manuel Echavarría entitled Silencios (2010), the conflict narratives will be the starting point of the work and at the same time, will compose the work itself. Narratives that are conjugated with the aesthetic discourse, which reveals the humanity behind the conflict, discourse that constitutes possibly symbolic reparation of the victims. Art is present to remember that it is possible to vindicate the abuses suffered during this violent period, which has lasted more than fifty years.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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