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Titre David y Cuerpo gramatical : imágenes de la violencia y políticas de la mirada en dos casos del arte contemporáneo en Colombia
Auteur Daniel García
Mir@bel Revue Amerika
Numéro no 18, 2018 COLOMBIE 2017
Rubrique / Thématique
Résumé anglais This article reflects on two works of contemporary art in Colombia (David by Miguel Ángel Rojas and Cuerpo gramatical, by José Alejandro Restrepo), with the purpose of explaining the reasons why these artists alluded to the Christian and classical iconography to address the problem of modern and contemporary violence in the country. The central hypothesis of the text is that, in both cases, the strategy of these works consists in proposing a politics of the gaze that serves to elaborate a critique of the processes of production, circulation and reception of the representations of public violence in the media massive information. Given the mechanisms of isolation and prescription that are usually imposed on this type of representation, the works of these artists allow them to be integrated into the field of a long-term visual culture, in addition to addressing the problem of their meaning with different criteria.
Source : Éditeur (via OpenEdition Journals)
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